Sunday, August 15, 2010


So, I'm getting sick again, and I need to figure out an action plan.  I've been too wrapped up in diet equating to everything IBD, but sometimes I think it has nothing to do with anything.  The fact of the matter is, my symptoms started coming back when I got down to 5mg/day of Prednisone, to end a 3 week taper.  I take 2 giant Lialda pills every morning along with the Prednisone, and I don't know if it is one, the other, or a combination of both that help me feel good through the middle of the day, but like clockwork, I start feeling sick by night.  Nighttime and morning are definitely my trouble times... I wonder if that is how most people experience it?  Last night I passed something completely nasty with more blood than I've ever experienced at once.  I have to admit that I panicked.  I thought to myself that I was going to end up in an ER, but luckily things have been much better since then.  It's 5pm, and I've only gone twice today.  Once, upset with a little blood, and the second time - pretty close to normal.  It's funny (ha. ha. ha.) how this disease works sometimes.  I have had hated fatigue today, but some of that is probably from staying up so late stressing.

My thanks to people who blog and vlog about their condition.  It has really brought me comfort in some very lonely times.  Last night, I watched some of ihaveuc's videos which were just what I needed.  I have no friends in the real world with IBD, and even though I don't really know these folks who are posting, it's just nice to hear somewhat of a kindred spirit who understands what it's like to have this strange illness that grates you like a block of cheese from the inside-out.

I have to remind myself just how lucky I am, because I haven't been sick enough for hospitalization, and I've only missed teaching a couple of classes because of the disease.  I'm highly stressed because I'm about to move and start a new job - one where they like to have faculty meetings at 7am - and I don't want to go into it sick.  I don't want them to even know I have this disease to be honest with you.  I guess even more honestly, I don't want to HAVE this disease...

I don't know how long it usually takes for people who follow the SCD for it to kick in, but I'm trying hard core to do it right now.  What I don't know, is whether or not I should go to my horrible doctor one more time to get more Pred.  I want to wait it out, but I'm scared to at the same time because of the move.  Definitely something for me to chew on...

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